Friendship Quilt - pattern set
Advent Christmas Calendar
Nan's Cottage Garden - Pattern Set
Vintage Treasures - full pattern set
A Country Tea Party - BOM Pattern Set
A Little Bit Country - Pattern Set
Candice Bear
Candice Bear in the Garden
Candice Under the Apple Tree
Christmas Pudding Teddy
Christmas Wall Hanging and Gift Tags
Come Share a Pot of Tea
Come Share a Pot of Tea Cottage
Corey and Jessy - bed or couch runner
Corey Teddy
Daisy Chain Teddies
Dress Up Flick - Teddy Pillow
Fabric Painting DVD with Libby Richardson
Fishing Zane - Teddy Pillow
Girls Day Out - BOM pattern set
Grandma Esme
Heartful Gifts
Home is Where the Heart Is
Ipad and Phone satchel
Ipad/pattern Satchel
Jessy Teddy
Lavender Satchel and Sachet
Leeia Bear
Libby's Mystery Quilt - BOM pattern set
Little Miss quilt
Love Bears all Things
My First Blankey and Nappy Bag
My Happy Place
Ollie & Olive Owl Bag
Ollie & Olive Owl Quilt
Ollie Olive & Oliver Owl Stuffies
Penny Bear with Wheelbarrow
PJ Bear - Pillow
Polly in the Garden - Pillow
Ralphy Reindeer